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Who the hell am I?
I am many things, but of those most likely relevant to you - a Minecraft mod developer and content creator. I am widely recognized for my mods, which have dozens of millions of downloads combined. I have authored well-known mods such as Forgotten Relics, Enigmatic Legacy and No Chat Reports.
I have a particular passion for legacy modding. Most of my experience as a Minecraft player was on modded 1.7.10, and this is the version I could never entirely let go of. It was there that I started actively experimenting with mod configs, and then more elaborate tools such as MineTweaker and Mob Properties, in an attempt to create truly unique modpack experience. When these tools stopped being sufficient I turned my sights to modding, and as such my first mod was coded. With only a few simple items to serve as crafting ingredients - it wasn't much to look at. But such was the beginning of my path as mod developer, and I still cast an occasional longing sight in the direction of these simpler times. I do not play Minecraft much any longer, but when I do, it is usually on that dusty, old version.
In my time, I spearheaded the community-driven investigation into the chat reporting system, announced as part of Minecraft's infamous snapshot 22w24a. I posted a few videos on my YouTube channel in an attempt to raise awareness about this system, as well as explain countless flaws and concerns it had. Those remain my most viewed to date. There are also a couple articles I wrote on the subject, which you can find in the publications section below.
These days you can find me tending to my Discord server, where I chat about all things human, as well as announce new developments in my projects. I continue to maintain my existing projects, insofar they remain in-demand. Occasionally I stream on Twitch, mod development and games alike. Feel free to hit me up on either of these platforms to say hello.
My projects
Enigmatic Legacy
Total Downloads: 6,000,000+
Magic-themed mod with a lot of unique resources, tools, weapons and accessories, both found in world and craftable by player's hand.
Chat Reports
Total Downloads: 36,000,000+
A mod that prevents chat reports and protects user privacy by stripping identifiable cryptographic signatures from chat messages.
Forgotten Relics
Total Downloads: 33,000+
A Thaumcraft 4 addon for 1.7.10 version of Minecraft. Adds unique and powerful relics, as well as new research mechanics to the game.
Forge Workspace
Gradle project template for mod development with Forge on 1.7.10. Features custom example mod, ForgeGradle fork and a few adjustments that are just nice to have out of the box.
...that is not all of course. You can see the rest at GitHub
organization I own: Aizistral Studios
My YouTube videos
...check out my YouTube channel for more: Aizistral
My publications
The Absolute State of Chat Reporting
Research on Minecraft's Global Bans
British Empireball#3909
...check out my GitHub gists for more: Aizistral
Where I dwell
You can find me on following platforms:
There's a two main ways to get in touch with me:
Support me
My public works are free, but if you would like to lend me your
financial support - I would be very grateful!
You can do so at
Buy Me a Coffee: Aizistral